My favorite restaurants in Punta

Punta is one of the places on earth that you cannot complain about food. You can find a variety of fresh food, specially delicious seafood, fruits and vegetables, pastries, deli products and the famous dulce de leche. With high quality food, comes high quality restaurants, with are spread across Punta. Every place has their unique flavours and design that make them special. My favorite restaurants in Punta are:

La Huella:

La Huella is a charming restaurant right at the beach of Jose Ignacio. The place combines elegance and quality starting by a simple structure made of wood. Low lights, short tables and waitress clothes sponsored by Lacoste makes the environment even more attractive. But what is unique about La Huella is the incredible view of the sea, specially during the sunset. It is always packed… If you want to go during summer you have to make a reservation at least a week in advance. I recommend the chipirones, shrimps, Clericot and the UNBELIEVABLE Volcan de Dulce de Leche.


Marismo is a one of a kind restaurant that surprises you when you first put your feet in the sand (yes, the floor is with sand). The restaurant is outdoor, in the middle of the bushes, with charming wooden tables, candles and cute cushions. It is the perfect set for a romantic dinner. The Lamb is unbelievable!


The first time that I went to Fasano was this year and It was a special surprise for me. The hotel is in the countryside of Punta, a perfect scape of the noise and lights of the city. What is interesting about this place is the mix of modern structure outside with a old farm style inside. The view from the restaurant is beautiful and the best scenario for a photo. The menu offers a big variety of food that leaves you drooling. 

El Palenque:

You cannot leave Punta without trying a Parrilla, and the best spot to have this experience is at El Pallenque. The environment is nice, and the food is amazing. Don’t miss the the Bife Ancho and the Assado de Tira. For dessert the famous apple crepe. 


Another charming restaurant located at the peninsula is L’incanto. The restaurant is beautiful with an incredible atmosphere. Their focus: Italian culinary. The food is delicious. I took a picture of the food we had there: 

Lo de Charlie:

A typical seafood beach restaurant: small, cute and smelling like delicious shrimps and fish. The food is incredible special for who really enjoy eating everything you can find in the sea (not my case, but I just love there). You must try the seafood plate. Yummy. 


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