Access is not only easy but the road is absolutely gorgeous.
What if you forgot to bring anything? No need to worry, the Jalama Beach Store has all you need to enjoy the day or the week. The store is well-stocked with groceries, camping accessories, personal care items, firewood (we had forgotten wood, can you imagine not having it and having to go to bed with the sun, at 5:15pm?!), fishing bait and tackle, fishing licenses, ice, beer, wine, souvenir items, clothing and toys. The store is so well-equipped that if you showed up at Jalama Beach with nothing other than your car you could probably find everything you need to camp for a week.
What if you are not a big fan of camping?! No need to worry either! Jalama Beach has cabins for rent! Albatross – Sleeps 6, Plover – Sleeps 6, Sandpiper – Sleeps 6, Pelican – Sleeps 5, Seagull – Sleeps 5, Tern – Sleeps 5, Cormorant – Sleeps 4. For reservations call (805) 934-6211.
Ok, so here comes my favorite part: there is NO cell phone reception and no Wi-Fi Internet access in Jalama Beach…! PERFECT for relaxing and hanging out ONLY with those lucky fellas joining you! It really is amazing to not be reachable sometimes….you know?! I feel like now a days we forget how it’s like to not be reachable 24/7.
Your dogs are welcome but there is a small daily fee per dog….if I’m not mistaken it’s only $3 dollars.
By Kiki/Lili Caldas